Saturday, May 24, 2014


I love because I was and am LOVED. My husband doesn't understand how I can love him after what's transpired between us. I can love him because HE loved me first. Our Father in Heaven sent his son do die a sinner's death and take the punishment I/we deserved to reconcile us back to Him. That action was out of love. So, because our Father showed me how to love and Christ reinforced that love with His sacrifice I can love my husband. We all sin and fall short but our Father has blessed me with the ability to see my husband as he does, which is beautiful and beloved. 

Standing for a marriage can be so difficult. The world, your family, your friends, even your church will tell you to move on and be happy. Unfortunately, they have forgotten that LOVE covers a multitude of sins. They've forgotten the love our Father displayed for them and no longer know what TRUE LOVE is. How tragic. 

When you are feeling weak praise God because He is able to be your Strength. Trust that He is Good, Right, and Perfect, which is called HOLY. We serve a sovereign Lord who longs for us to surrender to Him completely. He is more than capable of healing our marriages and situations and broken hearts. NOTHING is impossible for our Lord. 

Don't allow a world that has forgotten how to give and receive love to dictate your marriage. Give it to God. Allow Him to redeem Everything.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Getting My Attention

I went to a meeting last night for Marriage Restoration. The idea that my marriage fell apart in order for God to get my attention came up. Sometimes losing my husband feels like a punishment but I know that we serve a loving Father who does not punish but rather disciplines. I'm dedicated to pursuing God and listening to His voice in this time of growth and healing. I choose to trust Him to take care of my husband and restore our broken marriage.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Not of this world

Do Not Conform but be TRANSFORMED

Is your marriage in trouble? Has your spouse left you? Is everyone telling you that divorce is your best and only option? Christ calls us not to be conformed by this world but TRANSFORMED! Do not allow your marriage or love for your spouse to be conformed to the world's standards but surrender to the Father and allow Him to transform and redeem what's been broken. I urge you not to give up when every one is telling you to but instead to pray. Seek God. Allow the Lord complete control over your heart, life, circumstance, marriage, and spouse. Believe. Join my stand. Let's take back our marriages from the world and give them to God.