Sunday, July 27, 2014


"Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and HE delivered them from their distress...Let them thank the Lord for His steadfast love, for His wondrous works to the children of man! For He satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul He fills with good things." PSALM 107:6, 8-9


Thank you Lord for your unfailing love. Thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for your forgiveness. Please remove from our hearts anything that would hind our prayers. Today Lord I ask that You give the stander an added measure of faith. May they know in their hearts that You are working even when they cannot see it with their eyes. Continue to transform them from the inside out into the person You created them to be. Prepare them for the return of their prodigal. Fill their hearts with love, strength, grace, patience, and forgiveness. 

Today may ALL prodigals take 10 giant steps toward home. Bring them to their knees in sorrowful repentance. Give them each a Damascus road experience, revealing Your truth to their hearts and lives. Turn them from darkness to light and from deception to truth. Give them eyes to see Your Glory, ears to hear Your calling, and a heart to receive Your wisdom and guidance. Soften and fill their hearts with favor for their spouse above every other person. Destroy by fire all ungodly soul ties, in the name of Jesus. Tear down every wall that would keep them from You. Transform them from the inside out and may their life be a testimony to Your unfailing love and forgiveness. Remove the chains that bind them and loose the Holy Spirit within them to do a mighty work. Cover them with the blood of Jesus, place a Hedge of Protection upon them, and a Wall of Fire around them. Remove them from the hand of the enemy and draw them into Your presence. Bless their steps home Lord and remove the stumbling blocks that would delay them. Give them LIFE Father. 

Thank you for all the mighty works You are doing in the lives of standers and prodigals. May hope and faith abound today. Restore husbands and wives back to You and one another. Restore love and trust. Heal brokenness. Give back everything the locusts have eaten away and that the enemy has stolen. I give You all of the PRAISE, HONOR, and GLORY. I ask all things in the name of Jesus and by the power of His blood. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you Lord. Hosanna.  Amen.

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